Agency Founders:

How to Sell UP rather than OUT

Will you exit your agency one day?

Many former agency founders regret the way their exit went, because they inadvertently sold out, rather than UP.

They don't get the maximum valuation, the best terms, or the lasting pride of a shining future for everything they built.

If you want a happy exit, take a healthier approach — and Sell UP instead.

Selling up means:

✅ a genuine upwards trajectory for the agency
✅ a step up to great next things for the founder
✅ the highest possible rewards for the founders work
✅ the best possible terms for the deal
✅ an 'up' feeling of pride and aspiration for everyone

This FREE 10-day email course will guide you through the key things to think about now, to guide your agency on a roadmap to selling UP in future — along with presenting the alternatives to selling at all.

We'll cover:

1️⃣ The agency owner’s dream
2️⃣ What’s involved in a sale
3️⃣ Quick and dirty valuation of your agency
4️⃣ What are they buying — and what do you get?
5️⃣ Who buys agencies — and who is best to sell to?
6️⃣ How to sell up rather than out
7️⃣ Why to put your agency up for sale every year

I'm a former multiple agency founder who now publishes the Agency Leaders Playbook — and this course is a sample of the helpful guidance you'll find in the Playbook.

I have no affiliation with any Agency M&A consultants/lawyers/etc, so this course is completely independent and able to tell the warts-and-all story without spin or self-interest.

You'll even find out my inside tip on who is the best possible buyer for your agency, if you can show them the deal is good.

Enter your details in the form on this page to join the course, and get the first lesson in your inbox in minutes 👉 ✉️

Email Course — Start Today

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    No spam, just useful stuff.

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    Steve Parks

    Virtual Agency Non-Exec

    Who am I?

    I've founded and led creative & digital agencies for over 20 years (yes, I started very young). One failed in the 2009 crash, one had moderate success, and one grew to 170 people in nine countries.

    Before all that I was a journalist for the BBC (yes, even younger.)

    I now combine these experiences to research and write about how to lead agencies — and have developed the Convivio Agency Leaders Playbook. I also act as a virtual non-exec for agencies.

    I was over the moon to be named as one of the 10 most inspirational people in the Benchpress survey of over 2,000 agency owners.

    My aim is to think more deeply about owning and running agencies than anyone else, and to then use insights from that to be really useful to agency founders.

    What will you learn?

    • The agency owner’s dream
    • What’s involved in a sale
    • Quick and dirty valuation of your agency
    • What are they buying — and what do you get?
    • Who buys agencies — and who is best to sell to?
    • How to sell up rather than out
    • Why to put your agency up for sale every year

      PLUS: you'll get a free look behind the scenes at the Agency Leaders Playbook — the missing manual for founder-CEOs of creative and digital agencies.